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Kenzo 創辦人高田賢三感染武漢肺炎巴黎病逝 終年 81 歲

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Photo credit should read JOEL SAGET/AFP via Getty Images

日本時裝品牌 Kenzo 創辦人高田賢三 ( Kenzo Takada ),因感染武漢肺炎在巴黎病逝,終年 81 歲。

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1996 年 3 月 18 日巴黎,高田賢三。 Photo by Alain BENAINOUS/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

高田賢三於當地時間周日在巴黎美國醫院(American Hospital of Paris)去世。1939 年出生的高田賢三是首位在巴黎時裝界闖出名堂的日本設計師,於 1960 年代已移居巴黎,他以鮮艷色彩及喜用大自然花鳥、蝴蝶、動物圖案見稱。他創辦的品牌 Kenzo 隸屬 LVMH 集團,商品包括香水、化妝品及時裝。

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1991 年巴黎時裝周 Photo by PL Gould/Images/Getty Images

高田賢三於 1999 年宣布退休,將他的時裝店交予他的助手管理。退休後他喜歡收集非洲、亞洲和希臘等地的古代雕像、樂器及小器具,藏品一度超過 300 件,並經常去日本、香港購買。今年初他推出賦有東方色彩的 K 三系列家居裝飾。

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左起:三宅一生(Issey Miyake)與高田賢三(Kenzo Takada) Photo by Jeremy Bembaron/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images


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AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For half a century, Mr. Takada has been an emblematic personality in the fashion industry - always infusing creativity and color into the world. Today, his optimism, zest for life and generosity continue to be pillars of our Maison. He will be greatly missed and always remembered. “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy, kindness, talent and smile were contagious. His kindred spirit will live forever. Rest in peace Master.” [email protected]

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