· 2 min read


A Decorative Image


【編按:香港大學法律系副教授戴耀廷去年因為「佔中案」被判監,港大展開紀律程序檢討戴耀廷去留,港大校委會今日(28 日)召開會議,消息指校委會大比數通過開除戴耀廷,推翻教務委員會早前建議保留教席的結論;戴耀廷在 fb 發文,指辭退他的決定,不是由港大,而是大學以外的勢力「透過它的代理人作出」,這決定標誌「香港學術自由的終結」。】







The decision to terminate my appointment was made not by the University of Hong Kong but by an authority beyond the University through its agents.

It marks the end of academic freedom in Hong Kong. Academic staff in education institutions in Hong Kong are no longer free to make controversial statements to the general public about politically or socially controversial matters. Academic institutions in Hong Kong cannot protect their members from internal and outside interferences.

If there is still any doubt of the advancement of “One Country, One System” in the territory, my case should be able to remove it.

I am very grateful to the University of Hong Kong for nurturing me as a law student, a law teacher, a legal researcher and a guardian of the rule of law. I am heart-broken to witness the demise of my beloved university.

Yet, I will continue my research and teaching on the rule of law in another capacity. My fight for Hong Kong’s rule of law also will not stop.

I have the confidence to see the rebirth of a free HKU in the future.